how much wood would a woodchuck chuck

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One of my favorite questions to ask her is, “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood”? She seems to have a million responses. I have chosen my my top ten responses.
1. I suppose it depends on whether you are talking about African or European woodchucks.
2. I imagine that groundhogs would prefer a different question for a change.
3. A woodchuck would chuck as much as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
4. Don’t you have anything better to do?
5. Well since a woodchuck is really a groundhog, the correct question would be: How many pounds in a groundhog’s mound when a groundhog pounds hog mounds?
6. A so-called woodchuck (correctly speaking, a groundhog) would chuck – that is, throw – as much as the woodchuck in question was physically able to chuck, if woodchucks in general had the capability and presumably, the motivation, to chuck wood.
7. Just because it could, doesn’t mean it would.
8. An Apple spokesperson declined to comment
9. None. A woodchuck is actually a groundhog, so it would probably just predict 2 more weeks of winter.
10. 42 cords of wood, to be exact. Everyone knows that.
Here’s my answer from April 2017: According to the Poetry Foundation, a woodchuck would chuck “As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, If a woodchuck could chuck wood.” ( Researchers at Cornell determined that a woodchuck could chuck about 700 pounds: (
The woodchuck (Marmota monax), belongs to the marmot family, and goes by many names, including groundhog and whistle pig due to the sound they make through their large teeth to warn one another of danger.
While there are several species of marmots in North America, our woodchuck is found mostly in the eastern United States and across much of southern Canada. In New England, woodchucks inhabit both urban and suburban yards, fields, meadows, woodland clearings, and we see them frequently in grassy areas along highways.
Woodchucks have short, muscular legs designed for digging, and large front incisors that they must wear down by chewing to curb tooth growth. They often grow up to 20 inches in length, with a tail that measures roughly six inches long, and generally weigh between six and 12 pounds.
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Woodchucks are active during the day. In summer they commonly feed in the early morning and the late afternoon, spending the rest of the day sleeping or basking in the sun.
Woodchucks are among the few true hibernators found in Massachusetts. In late summer they begin to put on weight in preparation for the move to their winter dens, often located in wooded areas. They hibernate from October through March. While hibernating, a woodchuck’s body temperature drops from 99°F to 40°F, and its heartbeat drops from 100 beats per minute to 4 beats per minute!
They don’t have too many predators because of their size, though foxes, raccoons, hawks, and dogs will go after young.
Life Cycle
Woodchucks first mate when they are two. They mate shortly after they come out of hibernation in the early spring. The female gives birth to 3-5 pups in her burrow. The pups are cared for by the female and are weaned when they are about 44 days old. They leave their mother when they are around two months old.
In the wild, woodchucks live 4-6 years. In captivity, they can live to be 10 years old. Predators of the woodchuck include wolves, coyotes, foxes, dogs, bears, mountain lions, bobcats, and hawks and eagles.
The name whistlepig does come from the woodchuck’s whistling vocalization! It also barks, yips, and chatters. It uses it vocalizations to scare away predators and other woodchucks and to warn other woodchucks of predators.
Woodchucks usually retreat to their burrows when they are threatened, but they also climb trees to avoid predators.
The woodchuck is found across much of the eastern U.S. and across much of southern Canada.
In New Hampshire, the woodchuck can be found throughout the state in grassy areas, yards, meadows, fields, pastures and in grassy areas along highways.
The woodchuck is found in a variety of habitats including fields, forests, hedgerows, and pastures. Woodchucks are burrowing animals and make both summer and winter burrows. Their summer burrows are usually close to a food source. Their winter burrow is made in a place where they can hibernate. Woodchuck burrows usually have more than one entrance and multiple chambers, including one they use as a bathroom. Burrows can be anywhere from 6-80 feet in length and can have more than one level. Woodchucks use their burrows for sleeping, protection, as a place to raise their pups, and for hibernation.
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Woodchucks are true hibernators. They hibernate from the late winter to the early spring. During hibernation, both their heart rate and body temperature drop dramitically. Their body temperature can drop from from 99 °F to 40 °F and their heart rate can drop from 100 beats per minute to a few as 4 beats per minute. While they are dormant during long periods of hibernation, they do wake up for 2-3 day periods during hibernation.
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck song
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood in a truck
As much wood as as woodchuck could
if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck tongue twister
Tongue twisters are fun word games used to challenge our pronunciation. The alliteration in their phrasing allows people to concentrate their practice on one sound to help with fluency. More than just silly kids’ games, tongue twisters are used by actors, singers, and public speakers to work on their enunciation and articulation, so that these performers can be understood in front of a crowd. As an English learner, you can use tongue twisters to help with pronunciation of certain sounds. In this woodchuck tongue twister, you can work on your “w”s. Round your lips and make a small gap between your teeth to make the “w” sound.
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“How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,
and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would
if a woodchuck could chuck wood.”
Improving Your Pronunciation
The “w” sound practiced in this tongue twister is voiced and sometimes confused with the “v” sound, which is also voiced. The difference between the two sounds is that the “w” uses rounded lips and “v” is the voiced version of the voiceless “f” sound, produced by resting your teeth on your lower lip. Practice the difference in these sounds with minimal pairs, or words that have only a difference between the “w” and “v” sound.
The Origin of “Woodchuck”
The “Woodchuck” tongue twister is from the refrain of the “Woodchuck Song,” by Robert Hobart Davis and Theodore F. Morse. The song debuted in an American summer hit comedy musical “The Runaways,” which had a run of 167 performances between May and October in 1903 at New York City’s Casino Theater. The song was sold to consumers as sheet music featuring actress/singer/comedian Fay Templeton and on Edison wax cylinders, which predated flat phonograph records, performed by Ragtime Bob Roberts.
An Answer to the Question?
Unanswered questions don’t always sit right with people. In 1988, state wildlife conservation officer Richard Thomas of New York attempted to figure out just how much a wood a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck was capable of doing so and had the inclination. Woodchucks don’t actually chuck (throw) wood, of course, but, since they are a burrowing rodent, they do know well how to toss around some dirt. He determined that 35 square feet of soil needed to be excavated to create such a burrow. Knowing that a cubic foot of soil weighs 20 pounds, he calculated that a woodchuck can chuck 700 pounds of dirt a day. This calculation led Mr. Thomas, by extension, to an answer to what was then an 85-year-old question. Should a woodchuck be so inclined, Thomas concluded, he could chuck about 700 pounds of wood as well.